Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페
변함없이 찾아 주셔서 감사 합니다
Dear My Brother-in-law Chan Yu,
Congratulations on your Grand Inaugural Opening of the Morning
Sun Café.
It is beautifully designed and user-friendly constructed, but
most of all, the contents are delicious and healthy as well.
I am very proud of your technical innovations and I must say
that you have converted yourself from the Grand Master of Martial Arts to a
Grand Master of Computer Technology.
It is inspiring and heart-warming to see that you have achieved
a lofty goal which would have been a mere dream a year ago.
I hope many people enjoy your program and share the knowledge
and information to improve the quality of life.
Best Regards, Jae M Lee, MD
큰처남 형님, 바쁘신 와중에 진심어린 축하편지 다시한번 감사드립니다.
This website is special place to gather and shared with friends,
students and family to have another way of connecting. Also, MSC café is my spirit,
enthusiasm and inspiration for my life. I hope you enjoy visiting the website
as much as I have had in creating it.
Thank you,
MSCcafé 운영자, Chan Yu (유 찬규)
방문하신그대의 모습이 너무나 아름 답읍니다 -향기나는 MSCcafe아침해 카페 에서…
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